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About Caldwell Farms

Continuing On With a 125-Year Legacy

Caldwell Farm and Land was established in 1896 by TJ Cochran. Now, Stephen and Susannah Goodman, the fifth generation, oversee the farm alongside farm + cattle manager, Will Godowns.
Integrity, longevity and quality beef is at the forefront of everything we strive for. Since 1896, we have focused on innovation, while consistently producing high-quality beef for consumers. We pride ourselves on our 125-year legacy, as well as our beef brand - Caldwell Farms Beef.


Our Values


In our 125 years we have seen a lot of change on the farm in our attempt to meet consumer demands and be sustainable. As we look toward the future, we plan to continue the attitude of meeting the needs of our consumers. We are firm believer’s that our job in agriculture is feeding our friends and neighbors. 


Generations of relationships based on Integrity has helped us get to where we are today.
If we say it, we do it


Our animals are raised on the highest quality forages we can provide from birth up until they leave our farm. Our finishing practices supplement cattle with a complete grain ration while still having free access to the same high-quality forage.

Beef Attributes


Black Angus is the most recognizable breed to beef consumers today, which is why it's important to verify that Black Angus cattle are, in fact, Black Angus.


Caldwell Farms beef is
Black Angus Verified Beef.



Implants or fed hormone growth promotants (HGPs) of any kind are not allowed in the NHTC program.


Caldwell Farms beef is
NHTC approved.


Antibiotics, animal by-products, ionophores, or beta-agonists are not allowed in the VNB program.


Caldwell Farms beef is
Verified Natural Beef approved. 

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CARE Certified products ensure consumers that farms and ranches are following guidelines specific to Animal Care, Environmental Stewardship and People and Community.

(678) 588-4435
Concord, GA 30206

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© 2020 Caldwell Farms

2019 Producer of the Year

by Georgia Cattlemen's Association

Caldwell Farm & Land is categorized as a 
Centennial Farm by National Historical Society

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